Being pre-approved indicates you have a high chance of getting a loan. All applications are subject to income, asset/s, credit history and verification of other details as well as lending criteria and the lender's final approval.
Upon submitting your application, you have agreed and understood that:
1. An official application form must be completed by all applicants should you wish to receive an estimate pre-approval loan amount.
2. Pre-approval does not guarantee final approval and there is a possibility that your application may be declined.
3. If your application is declined, we have no obligation to disclose the reason due to privacy protection
If you do not agree to the terms above, please do not apply a loan with us.
If you do not agree to the terms above, please do not apply for a loan.
We only provide business loan products. The purpose of your loan must be solely or predominately used for business purpose.
We reserve the right to decline your application if you fail to provide reasonable explanation for your business loan purpose.
If you are seeking a loan for personal use, please contact personal loan lenders.
If you are satisfied with the pre-approval loan amount, you must provide verification documents including but not limited to business details, asset/s, income and photo identification. A credit check will be done once the required documents are received. An outcome will be available thereafter.
If you are not satisfied with the pre-approval loan amount or the outcome presented after final verification, you have no obligation to proceed before signing any legal agreements.
There is NO credit check for pre-approval. Credit history is usually checked during final verification when you have decided to proceed after pre-approval, after you have provided documents for final verification.
In some cases you may be require to complete a joint application. This is often due to (but not limited to) the following reasons:
1. Unacceptable credit record
2. Inappropriate estimation of vehicle / property value
3. Insufficient evidence of repayment-ability
In the case where we believe you intended to use our products for personal use, your application will be declined.
We/other parties may retain the information submitted for verification and other purposes. From time to time, our products and services information or updates may be forwarded to you by telephone, mail or electronic mail. If you do not find the information useful, simply inform us by email or click “unsubscribe” when you receive our emails.
Upon submission, you are deemed to have read and agreed to the pre-approval terms and conditions.
By submitting, I accept the Privacy Policy and Terms of Service.
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